Friday, February 4, 2011


I'm back from a hiatus of being lazy to talk about the Hollow Earth theory.

Some people believe that the Earth is in fact hollow and that a virtual paradise resides within. All this despite two centuries of overwhelming scientific evidence proving otherwise, including satellite photos of every corner of our planet, and actual human beings seeing our planet from space. Hollow Earth societies also say that the Aliens are hiding in there. Yeah sure, maybe they have a secret alien base set up underground to refuel or go to the bathroom or something, but I'm pretty sure they're not from there.

I created this post mainly because I wanted to share this video. The narrator is exactly how you think a Hollow Earth believer should be. A crazy ass bearded new-ager who probably uses crystals to heal. As proof of this theory, he uses legend and folklore.


  1. there is only so much we can perceive in our 3rd dimensional awareness, however some new age theory's are relative crystals do hold charge and are great conductors... but without solid facts we will never know

  2. If you haven't already read FlatLand, I highly recommend it. The wording is very professional but the theory behind the story is mind blowing. You can find free copies online everywhere. Doesn't really start until half way through but you must atleast glance at the first half

  3. only one way to find out... to hollow earth!

  4. I agreed. That is pretty unlikely.

  5. They see me fin my girlfriend? Damn aliens, this means war!

  6. Hurm... Flatland eh? I'll look into it.

  7. Interesting video, makes you think a lot. Gotta find the whole series.

  8. Aliens under mah feet!? I DONT BELIVE IT!! (HABEEB IT!!) >:3

  9. its true. there are aliens in the hollow earth. i spent my last vacation chillin with them and they seemed like cool dudes.

  10. Going to have to read Flatland then. I hope there are aliens in it. I hear they're cool dudes to chill with.

  11. I don't know what to make of some conspiracy theroies... Some seem to be evident - but some are just... weird?
